放眼世界﹕HK is like a paradise

[2015.03.09] 發表

【明報專訊】Hey! My name is Sajuran Satchithanantham. I'm an AFS exchange student from Germany studying in Hong Kong. I live in Ma On Shan with the best host family I have ever met. For me, a "family" consists of people who love one another. I love them very much and I get along with them very well. Every Sunday is our family day, on which we usually walk around Hong Kong. My host family wants to show me every place in Hong Kong. At the same time, they try their best to fulfil my wishes. We have had much fun together.

My other "family members" are my friends in school. I love my classmates! They help me whenever I need help. Last December we participated in a singing competition. We practised hard together. We had much fun together during our rehearsals and especially during our performance on stage in front of all the junior forms. We won a prize for giving the best performance in our form! I think we deserved it because we had worked very hard.

Hong Kong is a great place. Every person should come to Hong Kong at least once in his or her lifetime. Although it is very crowded, especially in the MTR, there is much you can do here, and everything is convenient here. In Hong Kong you can visit many beaches, go shopping and try all kinds of food. Chinese food has such a big variety - pineapple bun, siu mai and many more.

I enjoy my life here every day because Hong Kong is like a paradise! I don't want to leave this place or any of my "family members" here.

Sajuran Satchithanantham (an AFS exchange student in Hong Kong from Germany)

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