
[2019.01.16] 發表

【明報專訊】tap 水龍頭

washbasin 洗臉盆

toilet 馬桶

toilet paper 廁紙

bathroom cabinet 浴室櫃

hand towel 抹手巾

tower rail 毛巾架

toothbrush 牙刷

shower head 花灑頭

shower cubicle 淋浴間

soap dish 肥皂盤

bath mat 浴室地墊

[Smarties' Power English 第235期]

【明報專訊】◆Sleep like a dog Sleep very well e.g. I slept like a dog ... 詳情
Comic﹕Public Wifi
【明報專訊】Bill's phone is running out of mobile data. He's seeking free Wi... 詳情
【明報專訊】(1) C (2) B (3) A [Smarties' Power English 第235期] 詳情
Story﹕Rebecca's hobby horse
【明報專訊】When Rebecca was six years old, she loved watching horse racing.... 詳情
DIY﹕Crunchy matcha marshmallow
【明報專訊】No one can resist the fluffy satisfaction of marshmallow! How ab... 詳情

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