News quiz:

[2021.01.20] 發表

【明報專訊】1.Geoffrey Ma Tao-li(馬道立) is stepping down from his position as Chief Justice in January. Who is his successor?

A. Andrew Li Kwok-nang

B. Jeremy Poon Shiu-chor

C. Andrew Cheung Kui-nung

D. Arthur Leong Siu-chung

2.The World Bank Group issued a growth forecast for the global economy for 2021 on 5 January. It projects that the economic growth of the world would be 4%. What is the expected growth for China's economy?

A. 2.1%

B. 4.6%

C. 6.3%

D. 7.9%

3.Donald Trump's accounts on social media were suspended due to the risk of incitement of violence. Which social media platform suspended his accounts?

A. Instagram

B. facebook

C. Snapchat

D. All of the above

4.The US Congress overrode(否決) the US President Donald Trump's veto of a US$740 billion (HK$5 trillion ) policy bill on 1 January. What was the policy bill? (photo.04)

A. National Defense Authorization Act

B. Supporting America's Restaurant Workers Act

C. CASH Act of 2020

D. Small Business Expense Protection Act of 2020

5.Over 50 political figures were arrested in Hong Kong on 6 January, in light of their participation in a primary election. They were alleged to be in breach of law. What is that law? (photo.05)

A. Independent Commission Against Corruption Ordinance

B. National Anthem Ordinance

C. Elections (Corrupt and Illegal Conduct) Ordinance

D. National Security Law

6.It was reported that a gang of robbers stole something with more than 3 million HKD from a trader on 4 January. What was stolen?

A. Gold

B. Jewelry

C. Computer

D. Bitcoin

(Please find the answers on our facebook:

[Smarties' Power English 第300期]


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