
[2021.09.07] 發表



在某些領域,我們必須與中國合作(cooperate): 例如應對氣候變化,每個人都需參與其中。




Q: What will Sino-Canadian relationship be like if your party gets re-elected?

A: We will continue to understand that China is a growing power in the world, and you can't pretend it is not there. There are some areas that we are going to cooperate with China – fight with climate change for example, where everyone has to be part of it.

There are areas in which we are going to compete with China: on economics, on investment, on growth – we will actually do that.

But there are areas where we have to challenge China, on human rights, on arbitrary detention, making sure they are sending the Michaels home as soon as possible remains one of our top priorities.

We are going to be able to stand up against Hong Kong, on the South China Sea, on the protection of the Uyghurs. We will continue to speak loudly and strongly no matter how much the Chinese government tells us that we shouldn't have an opinion on that. The international community and Canada have a strong part of it, and we will continue to be very clear.

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