Talk of the town : Geographical Heritage Site

[2022.11.30] 發表
What makes Hong Kong's hexagonal columns special is — the hexagonal columns around the world are usually with the dark-grey colour, while that of Hong Kong is light-coloured.
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【明報專訊】The hexagonal volcanic rock columns spread over the highlands of Sai Kung East Country Park, Kau Sai Chau, Jin Island, the Ung Kong Group and the Ninepin Group. The formation covers an area of around 100 square kilometres on land and under the sea.

Apart from the hexagonal volcanic rock columns in Hong Kong, the Shilin Karst(石林喀斯特地貌) in Mainland China and the Grand Canyon in the United States have also been selected among the First 100 ICUS Geographical Heritage Sites. 181 sites in 56 countries were nominated in the selection.

What makes Hong Kong's hexagonal columns special is that while hexagonal columns around the world are usually dark grey in colour, those in Hong Kong are light-coloured. The average diameter of the hexagonal columns is about 1.2 metres while some reach 4 metres. The exposed height above ground is up to 100m.

Chan Yu Nam, a Senior Geopark Officer of the AFCD, describes the hexagonal volcanic rock columns in Hong Kong as highly educational, as well as helping Hong Kong to develop its ecotourism industry. Chan suggests the public pick up rocks to touch and observe them while visiting the Geopark, as this can nurture an awareness of environmental protection. She also reminds that the visitors should not appropriate and take away the rock. Ask your family to pay a visit there this weekend!

■Grammar Booster

For some English words, the numerical prefixes can help us to know the numbers or amount related to a particular thing.(See the picture 1)

■Gear up

(See the picture 2)

(Answer on next text)


nominate (v) 提名

educational (adj) 有教育意義的

ecotourism (n) 生態旅遊

appropriate (v) 挪用

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[Smarties' Power English 第360期]

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