Mission 1

[2015.09.16] µoªí

¡i©ú³ø±M°T¡jThe Smarties have decided to help by planting trees because trees absorb carbon dioxide and give out oxygen. However, Eason has snatched their tools from them! Can you guide the Smarties through the maze to catch him up?

¡½Mission 2

Eason claims his refrigerator is environment-friendly, but Pat knows he lies. Do you know why?

¡½Mission 3

There are many things you can do to cut energy consumption. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the following words to learn more about them.

condition / bath / appliance / wash / regular / shower

1. Turn off idle electrical _________ . Don't leave them in the standby mode.

2. Use less air _________ . If it is absolutely necessary, keep the temperature at 25.5¢J. Clean the filter _________ .

3. Use the _________ machine efficiently - switch it on only when it is fully loaded.

4. Take _________ instead of _________ .

(answers on last text)

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