
[2015.11.25] 發表


1. Penguins are birds, but they can't fly. Their _ _ _ _ _ have evolved into flippers.

3. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ penguins (皇帝企鵝) are the tallest and heaviest of penguin species.

5. Happy Feet (《踢躂小企鵝》) is a penguin-themed animation which won the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Award for Best Animated Feature of 2007.


2. Except in zoos, you can hardly find any penguins in the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hemisphere.

3. Galapagos penguins live close to the equator on the Galapagos Islands (加拉巴哥群島), which are part of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (厄瓜多爾).

4. Penguins can drink seawater because they have a special gland that filters excess _ _ _ _ from their blood.

(answers on next text)

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