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Game 1(明報製圖)
Game 2(明報製圖)

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 Spotlight:AR stamps

【明報專訊】To enhance public understanding and appreciation of local heritage, Hongkong Post (香港郵政) has issued a new set of six special stamps titled "Revitalisation of Historic Buildings in Hong Kong II" (top left). The set showcases six historic building revitalisation projects including those of Viva Blue House (We嘩藍屋), Mallory Street (茂蘿街) and PMQ (元創方).

This is the first time Hong Kong stamps have featured augmented reality (AR, 擴增實境) technology. If you scan the specially designed stamps with the "HKPostStamps" app on your mobile phone, 3-D models of the buildings on the stamps will appear (top right). Brief descriptions and 360-degree photos of the buildings are also available. In addition, those 3-D models will appear on a real-time background that changes from day to dusk to night, which gives stamp collectors a totally new and immersive experience. (sources: Ming Pao, Hongkong Post)

■Game 1

Dr Panda is telling MoMo how used stamps are processed for collection. Arrange the steps in the correct order.

(A) Immerse it in warm water with the design facing up for about five minutes to remove the gum from the back of the stamp.

(B) Leave the stamp until it is completely dry.

(C) Cut around the stamp carefully to avoid damaging it.

(D) Use stamp tweezers to place the stamp in your album.

(E) Carefully put the wet stamp onto a clean tea towel with your fingers.

■Game 2

Dr Panda took part in a stamp design competition. Eason also entered it by submitting an imitation of Dr Panda's work. Can you spot five differences between the two designs? (see the picture)

(Answers on next text)

■English highway﹕enhance

To enhance something is to improve its quality, amount or strength.

e.g. She hopes to enhance her image by appearing on the TV show.


heritage (n) 文化遺產

revitalisation (n) 活化

dusk (n) 黃昏

immersive (adj) 身歷其境的

[Smarties' Power English Vol 186]

Spotlight:AR stamps
Answers, Spotlight



文字:每100字(含標點符號) 30元





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