[2020.03.11] 發表
【明報專訊】1. 義憤填膺
2. 疾言厲色
3. 怒不可遏
4. 憤然作色
5. 暴跳如雷
6. 髮指眥裂
7. 怒氣攻心
8. 老羞成怒
9. 大發雷霆
10. 勃然大怒
[語文同樂 第430期]
News feed:Shave your heads, brave the virus
【明報專訊】14 female health workers in Gansu (甘肅) had their heads shaved be... 詳情
【明報專訊】1. False
2. True
3. True
[Smarties' Power English 第272期...
DIY:Caramelised bananas
【明報專訊】Sometimes you want to enjoy your fruits in a different way. How ... 詳情相關新聞