Comic:Hottest check-in place

[2020.03.18] 發表

【明報專訊】The Smarties have a social media account mainly about English grammar and vocabulary. What are they going to do with it?

“ MoMo: Shall we promote our social media profile by posting photos taken at some popular check-in locations? ”

“ Pat: How about going to one of the hottest check-in places for some snapshots? ”

“ Bill: The rainbow-coloured walls are so beautiful! ”

“ Dr Panda: Great! There will be more people viewing our profiles. ”

“ Bill: We apologise for taking photos in your private place. ”

“ Dr Panda: We are so sorry! ”

■English highway﹕How about

''How about'' is used to make a suggestion or offer an idea. Remember to use a gerund (v.+ing) for an action.

e.g. How about going camping this weekend?

How about playing chess?

■Know more

Choi Hung Estate is a public housing estate in Choi Hung. Its name means rainbow in English. Although there are many other public estates in the city, it is unique because of the rainbow-coloured exterior. This photogenic backdrop attracts a lot of locals and tourists every day. Visitors with their smartphones or professional cameras go there for photoshoots. Many of them then upload their photos to their social media profiles. This place is so famous that it has even drawn foreign idol groups to film their music videos there. However, Choi Hung Estate is a residential area. Therefore, visitors should be considerate and keep their voices down and the place clean.


exterior (n) 外部

photogenic (adj) 上鏡的

backdrop (v) 背景

residential (adj) 民居的

[Smarties' Power English 第273期]

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