Infographic:Hong Kong weather of 2020

[2021.02.03] 發表
(picture 1)(明報製圖)
(picture 2)(明報製圖)
(picture 3)(明報製圖)

【明報專訊】The Hong Kong Observatory(HKO)recorded a low temperature in January 2021. Some parts of the New Territories were freezingly cold – the temperature almost touched 0℃. It was found that radiative cooling(輻射冷卻) had contributed to the low temperature. The HKO released a report on 2020's weather. Although the days in January 2021 are cold, 2020 was found to be warmer than usual!

◆What is radiative cooling?

Radiative cooling means that at night, as there is no incoming solar energy and the ground continues to radiate away heat, the temperature falls. (picture 1)

◆What is the annual mean maximum temperature(全年平均最高氣溫) in 2020?

(picture 2) which is the highest among the years. 11 out of 12 months were warmer than usual.

◆What was the number of hot nights(熱夜) in 2020?

When the daily minimum temperature is above 28℃, that day falls within the definition of ''hot nights''. There were 50 hot nights and 47 very hot days(酷熱天氣, daily maximum temperature equal to or higher than 33℃) in Hong Kong in 2020, both ranking the highest on record. (picture 3)

Several events were observed around the globe and they wreaked havoc everywhere. Extreme cold events, severe droughts and other undesirable events were found in different continents. Let's hope 2021 will be a better year!


radiate (v) 散發

wreak (v) 造成

havoc (n) 大破壞

extreme (n) 極端

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