
[2020.03.25] 發表

【明報專訊】1. 情不自禁

2. 熱淚盈眶

3. 面紅耳赤

4. 聲嘶力竭

5. 血脈賁張

6. 怒不可遏

7. 欣喜若狂

8. 泣不成聲

[語文同樂 第434期]

News feed:Online workout
【明報專訊】The class suspension might have made you slack off. You still ha... 詳情
News feed:Sun is going down
【明報專訊】SUN YANG, a well-known Chinese swimmer, has been banned from com... 詳情
【明報專訊】1. True 2. False 3. False [Smarties' Power English 第27... 詳情
Comic:Xiqu Centre
【明報專訊】The Smarties have just met Eason. What are they talking about? ... 詳情
【明報專訊】What do they do? A hairdresser has plenty of work to do. They... 詳情

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