Fun test﹕The way you make friends

[2014.11.19] 發表
(A) a young kid playing in front of his/her home
(B) a happy young lady washing clothes by the river
(C) a man working for a bank
(D) a friendly old woman

【明報專訊】You get lost when you are going to visit a friend of yours. You pass through a dark cave and come to a beautiful garden. Whom do you want to come across first?

(A) a young kid playing in front of his/her home

(B) a happy young lady washing clothes by the river

(C) a man working for a bank

(D) a friendly old woman


A: You are a bit unsociable and withdrawn. You like to do things on your own. Try to be open to others. They do not want to mess up with you. They want to make friends with you.

B: You choose your friends intuitively. If you don't like a person you've just met, you will stay away from him or her without trying to learn more about him or her.

C: You try to help people and spend time with them in the hope that they will give you help when you need it. You make different kinds of friends to broaden your horizons.

D: You like to make friends with people without making a lot of effort because you like people who share your interests. However, you are not very active in making new friends.


awkward (adj) 尷尬

unsociable (adj) 不愛交際的

withdrawn (adj) 孤僻的

intuitively (adv) 直覺地

【明報專訊】■ Mission Bill is wrong. There are 30 balls altogether. ... 詳情

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