Yorkdale槍聲卜卜 自由黨會加強槍管

[2021.09.07] 發表




我們將與各省市合作限製手槍。例如魁北克省,他們曾說過要在全省禁用手槍,我們將提供協助。任何省份或城市(如多倫多) 想這樣做,我們將與他們合作做到。


Q: Canadians, and especially Chinese Canadians, are particularly concerned with public safety. Yorkdale mall just recently had shots fired in broad daylight. What will your party do to keep Canadians safe?

A: It's very simple. Our records are crystal clear. The liberal party continues to strengthen gun control while the Conservatives weaken gun control.

This recent mess that Mr. O'Toole has gotten into on assault weapons is a case in point. He promised the gun lobby that he would reverse my ban on assault weapons, and he put that in his platform. And now he said, wait we are not going to do that, we are not going to follow my platform, we are going to do a review instead. But his review will bring exactly the same thing of bringing back weapons that were previously banned. So if he is not being honest with Canadians about something as simple as legalizing dangerous military-style assault weapons, why should people believe him on anything else?

We will be working with municipalities and provinces to limit handguns. The provinces of Quebec for example, I have already said it wants to ban handguns entirely in the entire province, and we will do that with Quebec. Any other provinces, or even cities, if Toronto or any area wants to do it, we will work with them to do just that.

We have already brought in lifetime background checks, which the Conservatives have also planned on reversing. We are strengthening control on the border, giving more tools to law enforcement to crack down on illegal guns, and we are investing more in community support programs, to make sure the kids don't fall into guns and gangs, that there is better community support to prevent kids from going into the wrong direction. I know that is something that really matters to Chinese Canadians.

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