
[2020.10.21] 發表

【明報專訊】1. 軟糯

2. 濕潤

3. 黏稠

4. 幼滑

5. 嚼勁

6. 酥脆

7. 清爽

8. 綿密

9. 鬆化

10. 堅硬

[語文同樂 第464期]

News feed:Tree conservation
【明報專訊】Tree conservation is an eternal issue for Hong Kong. A King of T... 詳情
News feed:Trump trumpets his health
【明報專訊】FOLLOWING the nomination ceremony for Judge Barrett, who was pic... 詳情
【明報專訊】1.True 2.True 3.False [Smarties' Power English 第289期] 詳情
Infographic:Police  and  crime
【明報專訊】We need judges to uphold justice, lawyers to make litigations, b... 詳情
Grammar:To + infinitive clause
【明報專訊】Pat is thrilled as her favorite singer is staging a concert. How... 詳情

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