
[2020.05.20] 發表

【明報專訊】1. 無所事事

2. 平淡無味

3. 悶悶不樂

4. 悶懨懨

5. 鬱鬱寡歡

6. 一潭死水

7. 無聊透頂

8. 枯燥乏味

9. 興味索然

10. 死氣沉沉

[語文同樂 第445期]

News feed:More spectators needed
【明報專訊】In the latest Director of Audit's report (審計報告), it was found th... 詳情
News feed:A sea of gratitude
【明報專訊】CAPTAIN Tom Moore (imaged), a UK war veteran who celebrated his ... 詳情
【明報專訊】1. False 2. C 3. B [Smarties' Power English 第280期] 詳情
Comic:Tai Kwun
【明報專訊】Dr Panda has an idea for this weekend. Let's find out what he su... 詳情
DIY:Paper cactus
【明報專訊】Are you curious about cacti? Where can we find them? Why d... 詳情

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