News feed:Liberal Studies reformed

[2021.02.24] 發表
Liberal Studies textbooks.
Dragon fruit, or ''kamalam'' in India.
Peace activists in Berlin mock Putin (普京) and Biden (拜登), calling for more progress in limiting the use of nuclear weapons.

【明報專訊】LIBERAL STUDIES, a core high-school subject, has been reformed by the Education Bureau. Its curriculum was scaled down, class hours cut in half, and the number of themes reduced from six to three. Also, it will get a new name. The themes involve the mainland eventually, linking to ''One country, two systems'', ''Reform and opening up'' and China's global achievements. Some teachers have criticised the new curriculum for indoctrinating instead of teaching students.

Dragon fruit's new name

THE name of dragon fruit (火龍果) is considered by the Indian authorities to be related to China, where dragons are deemed important cultural symbols. The Indian government thinks the fruit looks like a lotus (蓮花), so it has decided to call it ''kamalam'', which has to do with the plant, also a symbol of the ruling party. The Indian opposition says that it is just a gimmick that shows the government has nothing better to offer and wants to divert the public's attention.

A new start in nuclear weapons

THE New START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty), a treaty Trump thought would not benefit the US, has been extended for five years. It decides on the number of nuclear weapons the US and Russia can keep. Signed by the two countries in 2010, it ensures that the two know each other's nuclear arsenal well. It restricts the number of ready-to-use nuclear warheads to no more than 1,550 for each side. It also limits the use of nuclear missiles, be they from land or submarines. If they had failed to extend the treaty, a new round of arms race would have followed!

■Gear up

According to the passages on this page, circle the correct answers.

(1) Liberal Studies will not get a new name.

( True / False / Not given )

(2) India has changed dragon fruit's name so as to make China angry.

( True / False / Not given )

(3)The New START was first signed by America and Russia.

( True / False / Not given )

(Answers on next text)


indoctrinate (v) 灌輸

arsenal (n) 武器庫

missile (n) 導彈

divert (v) 引開

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