• 2018.10.15

Road to 5**﹕Container housing in Hong Kong

[2018.10.15] 發表
Source: a comic by 尊子, published in Ming Pao on 2017.09.28

【明報專訊】◆Source A

Our subdivided flats are all leased out. Wanna try a subdivided bed instead? A discount for you if you take the far side of the bed!

Source: a comic by 尊子, published in Ming Pao on 2017.09.28

◆Source B

Michael Wong Wai-lun, the Secretary for Development, has said that the Hong Kong Science Park and the University of Hong Kong will unveil a prefabricated home plan, and the Buildings Department will speed up the processing of those applications. Wong added that prefabricated housing not only enhanced the safety of construction workers and their working conditions, but also had an advantage in terms of construction time. The government is talking with the Construction Industry Council, and "hopes to introduce the technology to give Hong Kong's construction sector a choice".

Meanwhile, the Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS) has also said that it is studying the possibility of introducing container housing or prefabricated housing, and these houses will be released in 2018 at the earliest. Wong said that if the government received proposals from non-governmental groups, it would be willing to fast track the examination processes.

——An abridged version of a Ming Pao article on 2017.09.21

◆Interpretation of the cartoon

The cartoon is about Hong Kong's housing problem. As demand is huge, there is a shortage of supply of even cramped subdivided flats, so much so people have to lease beds instead. This reflects the fact that housing shortage is seriously affecting Hong Kong people's living standards.

■Question and answering guidelines

By introducing container housing in Hong Kong, the government can improve Hong Kong people's living standards. To what extent do you agree?


.Faster construction and release

Container housing is built in accordance with a set of universal standards, as the dimensions and materials are standardized. The construction process is like stacking building blocks. As construction time is massively reduced, a lot of container housing can be supplied within a short period of time, improving the living standards of those residing in poor conditions.

.Low costs of construction

In contrast with traditional building, the construction of container housing requires only simply procedures. The expenditure on construction workers' salaries will also be lower. As a short-term plan, it is more cost-effective.

.Environmentally friendly

Containers that are no longer used for storage purposes often become useless and are disposed of in rural areas, leading to environmental problems. If such containers are used for the construction of housing, not only will we be able to make good use of them, but we can also reduce the pollution brought on by traditional building methods.


.Climatic problems

While winter in Hong Kong is not very cold, its summer is swelteringly hot and stuffy. Such being the case, living in a metallic container is not a good experience. The use of insulators to block sound or heat or the installation of air conditioners to control temperature will increase living costs and the use of energy, as well as make living space more cramped. As typhoons are frequent in Hong Kong summers, the issue of safety is cause for concern.

.Threats posed by second-hand containers

Containers that were once used to transport shipments might have been sprayed with chemicals unsuitable for human contact to prevent bugs. Cleaning them might release even more chemicals. Furthermore, in older types of containers, inflammable wood or Styrofoam is used for insulation, posing extremely huge fire safety risks.

Text:徐溯, Liberal Studies teacher at Lok Sin Tong Leung Kau Kui College

Translation: Terence Yip

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