• 2018.05.09

Around the world﹕Did you say ''Europe'' ?

[2018.05.09] 發表

【明報專訊】It's the annual cleaning day of the headquarters. Claiming to be busy with his dissertation (論文), Dr Panda is not coming.

“ MoMo: Still can't remove the stains. We are hopeless. ”

“ Dr Panda: Pick yourselves up! You're not at the end of your rope. ”

“ MoMo: I can't hear you, did you say "Europe"? ”

“ Bill: WHAT? He is in Europe?! ”

“ Boy: Bonjour monsieur Panda!* Your taxi to the European Parliament has arrived. ”

“ Pat、MoMo、Bill: DR PANDA!!! ”

“ Dr Panda: Ah, I didn't... ”

“ Dr Panda: ...I...er...the air of Europe helps me to write better... ”

“ MoMo: Enough, "monsieur". ”

“ Pat: You're at the end of your rope! ”

■Culture tips

Europe days

There are two Europe Days for the inception of the Council of Europe and the European Union (EU). EU bodies like the European Parliament (歐洲議會) and the European Commission (歐洲聯盟委員會) will allow public access to their buildings on 5 May in Brussels (布魯塞爾), Belgium, 5 & 9 May in Luxembourg (盧森堡) and 10 June in Strasbourg (史特拉斯堡), France. Local EU organisations in Europe and around the globe arrange different sorts of educational activities like debates, concerts and other festivities for children as well as adults. It will be a great opportunity for people to enhance their knowledge about Europe.

■English highway﹕At the end of one's rope

If you are desperate for you cannot deal with a difficult situation or are out of ideas, you are at the end of your rope.

e.g. You'd better let her know you're safe. She's at the end of her rope.


claim (v) 聲稱

inception (n) 成立

access (n) 進入

enhance (v) 增加

[Smarties' Power English 第217期]

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