• 2019.10.30


[2019.10.30] 發表

【明報專訊】1. 和風細雨

2. 煙雨濛濛

3. 淅淅瀝瀝

4. 滂沱大雨

5. 狂風暴雨

6. 雷雨交加

7. 霪雨霏霏

8. 大雨如瀉

[語文同樂 第402期]

News feed:Should school end earlier?
【明報專訊】Are you always knocked out (使昏睡) by afternoon classes? If so, th... 詳情
News feed:A marathon press conference
【明報專訊】CAN you imagine how you will feel after dealing with a marathon ... 詳情
【明報專訊】1. Hong Kong 2. Not given 3. False [Smarties' Power Eng... 詳情
Comic:Fraudulent websites
【明報專訊】Bill is checking his email on his computer. What is the news? ... 詳情
Animal:Arapaima — An air-breathing fish
【明報專訊】A fish out of water. Must be a difficult situation, isn't it? No... 詳情

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