
[2018.04.18] 發表
(picture 2)(明報製圖)

【明報專訊】Painting is a basic art form that varies greatly between Western and Chinese traditions. It is also quite accessible to any art novice as the tools are cheap, and it takes only a little while to get going.


.canvas 畫布

.palette 調色盤

.brush 畫筆

.canvas stand 畫架

.paint tube 支裝顏料

◆The trend

Hand-painted invitations are taking over from digitally designed and printed ones on social media! Many painters have even started their own businesses online to make hand-painted invitations for weddings, thank-you cards, and souvenirs for others. They also offer workshops, teaching beginners how to paint simple items like birds and flowers. (picture 2)


Chinese painting is widely associated with traditional black-and-white ink landscapes, but some Chinese contemporary paintings are popular as well. For instance, the works of Yue Minjun ( 岳敏君), a Heilongjiang-born painter, have featured prominently in art galleries and museums around the world, including the San Francisco Museum of Modern Arts and Busan Museum of Art in Korea. (photo.3-4)


The Hong Kong Museum of Art might still be under renovation, our city has no lack of space for paintings and visual art displays. The University of Hong Kong houses a University Museum and Art Gallery (香港大學美術博物館) at 90 Bonham Road, Pokfulam (薄扶林般咸道), providing students and the public with free access to painting exhibitions. (photo.5)


novice (n) 新手

take over (phr v) 取代地位

feature (v) 起重要作用

display (n) 展品

[Smarties' Power English 第214期]

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