Comic:Galileo, father of modern science

[2020.12.09] 發表

【明報專訊】The Smarties and Eason are at the Galileo Museum in Italy.

“ Bill: Wow! This telescope was built by Galileo! ”

“ Eason: What's this? Is that a decoration for Halloween? ”

“ Pat: No, that was the middle finger of Galileo. ”

“ Eason: Are you sure? ”

“ Dr Panda: After his death, three fingers and a tooth were removed by his admirers. They might have believed that these could provide them with special power. ”

◆Know more

Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) was an Italian scientist whose discoveries and inventions were groundbreaking.

In the past, people believed that the Earth was the centre of the universe and that the Sun and other planets revolved around the Earth. Galileo was the first scientist who showed that the Earth and other planets revolved around the Sun. He also improved the telescope so that it could help us look farther. With his telescope, he discovered the moons (衛星) of Jupiter.

He was regarded as the ''father of modern science'' because he was keen on doing experiments. However, people did not believe him and they did not want the traditional beliefs to be questioned so they made him a prisoner.

■English highway﹕Be keen on

''Be keen on'' means being interested in doing something.

e.g. He is keen on playing tennis.

They are keen on cycling.


groundbreaking (adj) 創新的

universe (n) 宇宙

planet (n) 行星

revolve (v) 沿軌道轉

[Smarties' Power English 第296期]

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