• 2019.10.16


[2019.10.16] 發表

【明報專訊】1. 才高八斗

2. 博覽群書

3. 名列前茅

4. 彪炳

5. 博學多才

6. 學貫中西

7. 學識淵博

8. 孜孜不倦

9. 手不釋卷

10. 卓爾不群

[語文同樂 第398期]

News feed:Overspending
【明報專訊】A think tank under a non-profit organisation has done a survey o... 詳情
News feed:Aviation hub
【明報專訊】LOOKING like a giant golden starfish, Beijing Daxing Internation... 詳情
【明報專訊】1. True 2. False 3. True [Smarties' Power English 第256期... 詳情
Comic:Internet safety
【明報專訊】The Smarties are looking at the computer screen. Why are they so... 詳情
Grammar:Gerunds and infinitives — stop, remember
【明報專訊】MoMo: Stop playing video games! You have tons of homework due to... 詳情

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