放眼世界:Austrian food and eating habit

[2017.04.10] 發表

【明報專訊】I am Chelsea Chau, a 16-year-old girl from Hong Kong. I have been living in Austria for six months. In the first two months, I lived and studied in Vienna. Afterwards I moved to a small city called Baden. Vienna is Austria's capital and busiest city. However, it is quiet compared with Hong Kong. All shops, including supermarkets, close there on Sundays.

I have to get used to many things in Austria. One is its completely different style of cuisine. An iconic Austrian main dish is Tafelspitz. It is boiled beef in broth, served with vegetables and horseradish. Austria is a landlocked country, so Austrians seldom eat seafood. A traditional Austrian meal usually consists of red meat such as beef and pork but rarely chicken. Austrian cuisine is famous for its pastries like apple strudel, Buchteln and Sachertorte.

Austrian students usually have class until 2 pm without a lunch-break. We therefore have sandwiches during recess and have lunch at home around 3 pm. It was a little challenging for me to get used to it, and I always get hungry at school.

text: Chelsea Chau

[通通識 第452期]

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