放眼世界﹕''Too much'' bread in the Netherlands

[2016.04.18] 發表

【明報專訊】There are many things I have to adapt myself to in the Netherlands - a new environment, a new family and a new school. My relationship with my host family is the most challenging part since I have to face its members most of the time. I have to build a good relationship with them.

communication makes relation better

It was hard at first, our backgrounds being so different. I have subsequently learned to narrow down our differences and discovered that communication is the best way to solve problems. Now I have a good time with my host family, though I feel homesick sometimes.

bread vs rice

Moreover, there are so many cultural differences between Hong Kong and the Netherlands, especially in food. We often eat rice in Hong Kong but here, we mostly have bread and potato. I miss Hong Kong food so much. In my opinion, people here eat too much bread. I found it delicious only in the first month.

People here have misconceptions about life in Hong Kong. I have to explain what it is really like. My explanations not only help them to learn about another culture but also make me understand my own culture better.

put down the phone, be curious

Over the past four months, I've learnt to ask when I don't understand, and come to know more about Europe, especially its history. I've learnt a new language, of course. I have grown up, I'm not afraid to go out alone. I've learnt to plan before doing anything, to put down my mobile phone and to feel more curious about my surroundings. I may have occasionally felt upset since my exchange began, but it is worth it.

text:Ching Ting Wong(Hong Kong AFS student who went exchange in the Netherlands in 2015-2016)

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