放眼世界˙Universal Language: Football

[2015.11.23] 發表
Eddie (R) loves exploring the city with friends.
Eddie (L) figures out that talking about footaball is a good way to make new friends.

【明報專訊】I now live in Fanling with my host parents and sister. I study at DBS (Diocesan Boys' School), have rugby training twice a week and cross-country training once a week. During weekends I like exploring Hong Kong with my friends. There are many things to see in this city. I have got used to the busy lifestyle in Hong Kong.

Competitive sports training

Hong Kong people really like to compete with one another, and that brings the best out of them. People here are self-disciplined, and they train very hard, especially in sports. I am quite impressed by my classmates' training style. I have adopted their style in my cross-country training and am trying to push myself to my limit and push a little bit harder every week.

Push oneself beyond the limit

I have found football is a "universal language" here. It always breaks the ice to start talking about football. To start a conversation with people, you only have to tell them which your favourite team is. It is always a good way to meet new friends to play football or other group sports. Moreover, I enjoy doing sports in Hong Kong just as much as I did at home.

Texts﹕Eddie Marthaler

(AFS student from Switzerland, studying in Hong Kong now)

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