放眼世界:Discover Swiss foods

[2016.10.31] 發表

【明報專訊】Switzerland. The land of chocolate, cheese, watches, mountains and much much more. That is the country I chose to go for exchange. I had a trip packed with experiences and adventures.

Every country has its peculiar foods. Switzerland is no exception. It is famous for its cheese fondue and chocolate. Unfortunately I haven't tried cheese fondue yet as it's often eaten in winter. 「Toblerone」 is in the shape of the famous mountain called the Matterhorn. Other chocolate brands like 「Laderach」 and 「Lindt」 are considered prestigious.

「Rosti 」 is a delicacy made with diced potatoes, diced carrots and bacon. It is eaten for lunch or dinner, and pre-made Rosti is readily available at grocery stores.

Local soft drink

In my opinion, 「Rivella」 is the most special item. It is a soft drink available only in Switzerland. It is made with milk serum and other natural ingredients. There are several flavours: red (original), blue (low calories), green (herbs) and peach (fruity). There are many more Swiss foods I can discover and try!

text: Ng Hin-Cheung, Eisen

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