放眼世界:Norwegians love nature

[2017.01.09] 發表

【明報專訊】It's terrifying to live in a country with nothing one is familiar with. I knew nobody there. The journey was full of unknowns. That's how I felt when I get onto the plane bound for Norway, where I would stay for a whole year.

roller ski in summer

I've been in Norway for about three months now. Everything is still strange and new. For instance, Norwegians just love skiing so much that they even roller ski in summer. They never eat salmon skin, even if it's fried crispy. Norwegians love nature. They can spend a week in a cabin without electricity,without the Internet and even without an indoor toilet!

After I had set foot in Norway, the first thing that occurred to me was to meet my host family. It's both exciting and scary because I didn't know what to expect. However, all my worries vanished the moment I met my hosts. Every one of them greeted me with a big smile and a warm welcoming hug. We have since spent a lot of time together doing all sorts of things, like going to the glaciers. A bond has been built through these fun yet simple things.

almost have no homework

School was another matter that concerned me. Would I make friends? Could I cope with my homework? I was assigned to an arts and design class. That was a big challenge to me. Luckily, my teachers there are all really helpful and patient. That has made things much easier. Fortunately, I almost have no homework to do. So I've spent much time on improving my language skills.

I still have much to explore and learn and many challenges to face in the next seven months. But I am sure this is going to be a life changing experience.

text: Ma Wing Yan

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