News feed:A combo and a boat too jumbo

[2020.12.09] 發表
Today's Ming Pao News from Hong Kong, China and the world. (Valid for 30 days)

【明報專訊】The Jumbo Floating Restaurant ( 珍寶海鮮舫 ) ceased operation last March due to COVID-19. In her new Policy Address, Chief Executive Carrie Lam has proposed the ''Invigorating Island South'' ( 躍動港島南 ) initiative. The restaurant, a historic jumbo boat in the Aberdeen Typhoon Shelter ( 香港仔避風塘 ), has been donated by its owner to Ocean Park, which is in financial difficulty. The park and some NGOs will help relaunch the restaurant. Some criticise the plan for mistakenly letting a conservation-focused Ocean Park manage a restaurant. What do you think?

“ Bill: I'm confident that Ocean Park and the Jumbo boat will be reborn! ”

“ Dr Panda: Do two negatives make a positive? ”

■Today's Ming Pao News from Hong Kong, China and the world Valid for 30 days

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