• 2020.02.19


[2020.02.19] 發表

【明報專訊】1. 炯炯有神

2. 健步如飛

3. 六脈調和

4. 早占勿藥

5. 枯木逢春

6. 生龍活虎

7. 精神抖擻

8. 神采飛揚

9. 精神煥發

10. 身心康泰

[語文同樂 第424期]

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【明報專訊】During the past few weeks, long queues have formed in front of p... 詳情
News feed:''Black Mamba'' left us forever
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Comic:Local snacks in Hong Kong
【明報專訊】Today is a sunny day. Pat is walking along the street alone. ... 詳情
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