放眼世界:Good memories in Argentina

[2017.05.08] 發表

【明報專訊】"You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step in faith. "

When I was writing this article about my experience in Argentina, I had been living in that country for six months. There were definitely difficult and emotional moments, especially when I missed my family and my favourite foods, but I still got many good memories with my host family and friends.

Argentina is a glamorous Spanish—speaking country in South America and I live in a northern province named Salta, which is famous for its distinctive Incan culture and tourist attractions.

no public examinations

School and family are the pillars of my exchange year. I studied in the 5th grade in a local private college along with my two host brothers. There are no public examinations like DSE in Argentina. It is universities themselves that admit students into them. However, most young people I have met there are keen and eager to learn. They treasure their opportunities to go to school and respect their teachers. The good relationship between the teachers and students has surprised me.

Brazil trip with host brother

My host brother Franco and I went to Brazil for two weeks last November. It is a tradition in Argentina to hold a graduate trip with other schools and spend crazy times before going to university. We enjoyed the famous Brazil beaches, played football next to the coastline, danced in different kinds of parties and visited the famous Iguazu Falls.

Text: Ching Kwan Long

[通通識 第456期]

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