• 2018.11.19

Road to 5**﹕Global poverty

[2018.11.19] 發表

◆【明報專訊】Source A

Distribution of wealthy people* Country (million people)(see picture)

◆Source B

Distribution of people having less than US$2 to spend every day (see picture)

◆Source C

Chinese society (see picture)

■Questions and answering guidelines

1. Summarise the data in Source A and identify the similarities in findings between Source A and B.

As can be seen from Source A, wealthy people all around the world mostly came from advanced countries, with China the only exception. Of the world's millionaires (in US dollars) numbering more than 30 million, the US had the biggest share at 40.7%. Japan was in second place at 2.7 million people. Source A shows that China was the only developing country in the top ten places. As for Source B, it shows that compared with other developing countries, China showed the most significant trend towards the reducing number of people living on less than US$ 2 dollars. Both sources show that China's economy was improving at a fast rate.

2. In your opinion, should China participate more in international efforts to alleviate the problem of global poverty? Give your answer by referring to the sources and your own knowledge.

As shown in Source A, there was a huge number of wealthy people in China, as the country had the eighth greatest number of millionaires. Source B shows that China outpaced the other less advanced countries in the race of poverty alleviation. However, as Source C suggests, China has a serious problem of rich-poor discrepancy.

All in all, it can be concluded that while China has put a lot of effort in enhancing its economic strength, China has a problem of rich-poor discrepancy. As much of the economic outcome goes to just a handful of people, many people in China still live under the poverty line.

Two approaches

.That China should participate more in international efforts to alleviate global poverty

China has the economic strength to help other countries. In fact, China has previously helped less advanced countries economically and provided material aids for them, thus contributing to poverty alleviation.

?That China should not participate more in international efforts to alleviate global poverty

Though the number of Chinese people living under the poverty line has dropped significantly, many people are still impoverished . Furthermore, as the problem of rich-poor discrepancy is acute in China, it should continue focusing on tackling domestic poverty as a way to help the world eliminate poverty.

Text: 蔡嘉嘉, Liberal Studies teacher at NLSI Lui Kwok Pat Fong College

Translation: Terence Yip

[通通識 第546期]

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