• 2020.12.02

Horizon:National anthems

[2020.12.02] 發表
Commonwealth - God Save the King/ Queen
Greece - Hymn to Liberty
Spain - Marcha Real

【明報專訊】Different nations have different symbols to represent themselves. Besides flags or animals, anthems (頌歌) and hymns are good representations of patriotism and loyalty to the nation. Besides the national anthem of the People's Republic of China, can you name some other national anthems or symbols? Do you know what values or historical symbols they refer to?

◆Commonwealth - God Save the King/ Queen

IN the areas of commonwealth realms (英聯邦王國) and the British Crown dependencies, this song is used as the royal national anthem. It was first performed in London in 1745. Although there are many verses, only the first verse is sung on official occasions.

◆Greece - Hymn to Liberty

AT 158 stanzas (詩節), the Greek anthem is considered to be the longest anthem by length of text. It was originally a poem written in 1823, then set to music between 1828 and 1830. If you search the song on YouTube, it could last for over 50 minutes!

◆Spain - Marcha Real

ONLY a few countries declare a song with no lyrics as the national anthem, and Spain is one of them. The song is purely instrumental. Sometimes Spaniards joke that they have never sung their national anthem.


symbol (n) 象徵

patriotism (n) 愛國精神

historical (adj) 有關歷史的

instrumental (adj) 器樂的

[Smarties' Power English 第295期]

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