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[2016.09.28] 發表

【明報專訊】EuroVelo is a project managed by the European Cyclists' Federation (ECF). It is a network of cycle routes that covers the whole Europe. It incorporates existing and planned national and regional cycle routes into one single network that comprises fifteen routes. They currently total over 45,000 km in length. Thousands of kilometres more are being planned, and will extend the total length to over 70,000 km.

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Break time:Arctic animals
【明報專訊】The Arctic Circle (北極圈) is a place of extreme cold and drastic s... 詳情
【明報專訊】1. white whale (白鯨) 2. Arctic hare (北極兔) 3. polar bear (北極... 詳情
DIY:Make a paper fox!
【明報專訊】The Arctic fox (北極狐) is a small fox native to the Arctic region.... 詳情
Culture:Black cat
【明報專訊】Pat has a day out with her friends. On her way home, something i... 詳情
Readers' corner:Fun at the beach
【明報專訊】Last Sunday, the Wong family went to a beach in Sai Kung. It was... 詳情

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