• 2019.01.28

Road to 5**﹕Consumer price index increases

[2019.01.28] 發表

【明報專訊】◆Source A

Consumer price indexes of some foods (See picture)

◆Interpretation of the line graph

Source A shows the trends in the consumer price indexes(CPI) of some foods from 2009 to 2017. Four types of food show a rising trend over the period. As shown in Source A, the CPI of bread, cakes, biscuits and puddings rose from 79.3 to 105.0. The CPIs of pork, eggs, and fresh vegetables rose from 82.6 to 116.0, from 79.8 to 100.9 and from 74.5 to 101.9 respectively. The prices of pork, eggs and fresh vegetables showed a general upward trend despite occasional falls. Bread, cakes, biscuits and puddings rose consistently.

As spending on food is a main source of expenditure for most citizens, the rise in the cost of food increases the financial burden of many people.

■Questions and answering guidelines

◆1. Identify and illustrate the ways in which food price increases affect quality of life negatively.

.Reduced material comforts.

Expenditure on food is an indispensable part of household spending. The rise in food prices increases the financial burden of families, driving citizens to cut back on other spending (on new clothes, for example). Quality of life is therefore affected.

.Impact on health.

For families on lower incomes, it might not be possible to skimp on other items to cope with food price increases. Therefore they have to reduce the amount of food to purchase or choose food that is cheaper and lower in quality (such as dented cans or food that is about to expire). This might affect health.

.Lowering spiritual enjoyment.

Because of food price increases, people have to cut back on other spending by eating out less or spending less time with friends. All this affects spiritual quality of life.

◆2. To what extent do you agree that the donation of food can enhance the quality of life of low-income families?


Reduce expenditure on food

Food donation allows low-income families to reduce spending on food and ease their financial burden. The money that is saved can be used in other areas to enhance quality of life.

Spiritual support

Food donation makes low-income families understand that they are not on their own, as there are people in society who care about them. This strengthens their connection with the community or society.


Just short-term palliatives

Food donation is a short-term measure, which does little to help the huge number of families faced with incessant rises in food prices.

Creates reliance

Food donation might creates reliance, making families less active in their pursuit of jobs or better qualifications. They will therefore less likely to improve their lives.

Text: 劉俊偉, liberal studies teacher at Po Leung Kuk Yao Ling Sun College

Translation: Terence Yip

[通通識 第562期]

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