
[2019.11.06] 發表

【明報專訊】1. 孤家寡人

2. 孤苦伶仃

3. 孤芳自賞

4. 孤立無援

5. 無依無靠

6. 斷雁孤鴻

7. 形單影隻

8. 孑然一身

[語文同樂 第404期]

歷史周報:袁世凱篤灰 光緒成囚徒
【明報專訊】記者:前陣子,香港人很流行說「篤灰」(告密),我記得你也是受害者。 光緒:(頹然)誰叫長年掌權的是「親爸爸」。 記者... 詳情
News feed:When taxis fly
【明報專訊】An ''air-taxi'', which is a self-driving helicopter with 18 prop... 詳情
News feed:Mysterious deaths
【明報專訊】HUNDREDS of fish were found dead in the water off the waterfront... 詳情
【明報專訊】1. False 2. True 3. public money [Smarties' Power Engli... 詳情
Comic:Online shopping addiction
【明報專訊】Pat is now into her third hour looking at her phone. What is she... 詳情

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