英譯概念﹕Traditional Chinese values (中國傳統價值)

[2017.10.30] 發表

【明報專訊】The traditional Chinese values that have been passed down from generation to generation are largely based on the teachings of Confucius, with Taoism and Buddhism also playing a part. These values have influenced the Chinese people's individual beliefs, behavioural modes, family composition, social etiquettes and political systems subconsciously, and family values like filial duty and familial ethics have continued to exist to this date.

"Empty nests"×respect for the elderly

Respect for the elderly is a traditional Chinese virtue. In recent years, as old people in mainland China grow even older, the phenomenon of "empty nests"(空巢) has occurred. The term refers to the situation in which the adults have left their parents to study or work, leaving the old people to live alone.

Traditional habits

Chinese people attach great importance to familial values. This is shown by the traditional custom of returning home to spend the Chinese New Year together. The Chinese New Year remains so important to the Chinese people that crowds of workers return home every year in a phenomenon called the "Spring movement". According to the Chinese authorities, 2.98 billion trips were made during the Chinese New Year holiday of 2017.


The "one-child" policy changed Chinese society's family structure, leading to the problem of overindulgence of only children. In 2016, China fully allowed families to raise two children. A video clip in which a boy threatens to commit suicide if his mother has another child went viral on the internet.

Gender inequality× social problems

Chinese people traditionally favour sons over daughters. The "one-child" policy, which was enforced for thirty years, resulted in an imbalance of male and female populations. According to official statistics, at the end of 2016, the man-woman ratio was 104.97:100.

Modern China×Globalisation:Westernisation×high divorce rates

Traditional Chinese values have the concept of "families" at the core, requiring women to obey their fathers at home and their husbands after they are married. Such traditional values have been challenged by western values like freedom of marriage and gender equality. According to official statistics, China's divorce rate rose from 1.8 percent in 2002 to 3 percent in 2016. The Economist commented that as women became more educated, they were readier than before to take the initiative to file for divorce.

Related concepts:

.traditional value

.extended family


[通通識 第476期]

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