• 2020.12.16


[2020.12.16] 發表


1. B

2. A

3. A

4. C






[語文同樂 第480期]

News feed:A bleak Christmas
【明報專訊】The dance club infection cluster (歌舞群組) led to the fourth wave o... 詳情
News feed:National treasure
【明報專訊】160 years ago, during the Second Opium War (英法聯軍之役), a horse hea... 詳情
【明報專訊】1. True 2. False 3. True [Smarties' Power English 第297期... 詳情
Infographic:Holiday spending!
【明報專訊】The purse shrinks while Christmas approaches. People tend to spe... 詳情
Horizon:Religious festivals
【明報專訊】In Hong Kong, we enjoy a relatively long Christmas holiday. As a... 詳情

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