• 2019.10.09


[2019.10.09] 發表
JANE AUSTEN(珍奧斯汀,1775-1817)
Winston Churchill(邱吉爾,1874-1965)

【明報專訊】We probably use banknotes every day, but have you noticed the faces on them? The banknotes of the United Kingdom feature different celebrities who have made great changes to the world. Let's take a close look at them.

The Queen

QUEEN ELIZABETH II has reigned over the United Kingdom since 1952. She is the longest-reigning monarch (君主) in British history. Notably, the portrait of Queen Elizabeth II appears on the banknotes frequently. Not only can you see her portrait on the banknotes in the United Kingdom, you can also find her on some of the Hong Kong dollar coins!

◆Interesting fact

The Queen can drive without a driving licence because driving licences are issued in her name!


The great novelist

JANE AUSTEN(珍奧斯汀,1775-1817), an English novelist who is famous for her publications such as Pride and Prejudice, was featured on the£10 banknote in 2017 to mark the 200th anniversary of her death.

The Bank of England's governor said, "Our banknotes serve as repositories(收藏庫) of the country's collective memory... Austen's novels have a universal appeal and speak as powerfully today as they did when they were first published."


The Prime Minister who led Britain to victory in WWII

IF you have heard of Winston Churchill(邱吉爾,1874-1965), you must also know his famous quotes."Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts." Winston Churchill was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in 1940-1945 and 1951-1955. He led Britain to victory in the Second World War.

■Gear up

(Answers on next text)

Down : 1. An official document that gives you permission to own, do or use something

2. The day on which an important event happened in a previous year

Across : 3. An occasion when you win a competition, election or war

4. The ability to be brave and control your fear

5. The leader of the government in the United Kingdom

Hint: You can find the answers on the same page.


reign (v) 統治

collective memory (n) 集體回憶

appeal(n) 注目/吸引力

fatal (adj) 致命的

[Smarties' Power English 第255期]

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